Lessons Learned in 2021, Manifestations for 2022


Lessons Learned in 2021, Manifestations for 2022

I feel like 2021 went by so quickly! Where did the time go??? As I get older, I do my best to cherish the time because I know how fast life can pass us by! For the past few years before the new year, I’ve made a gratitude list and resolutions for the new year. It’s important for me to document what I’ve learned, how I’ve grown, my failures, and the blessings I’ve received. It keeps me grounded on what’s truly important in my life. The resolution lists always seem to be a work in progress, but its rewarding to check off what I actually accomplished although it may just be a few things. I’m also a visual person so creating a vision board in my home office has been life changing. These boards signify everything you want to see, do, and accomplish in your life. I use magazine clippings, print outs, and notes to create images of what I hope to manifest in my life. We will get to manifesting later in the blog:) What’s great is they don’t have to be in a year time frame, I’ve had images up for years and they serve as a daily reminder for what I’m praying and working towards. As I experience things posted on my vision board, I make sure to add a note or souvenir to show what I achieved.

Now on to the lessons from 2021. I’ve grown so much mentally and spiritually this past year. I’ve been challenged mentally far greater than I ever could have imagined and by the grace of God, I am alive, healthy, strong, and thriving! You don’t realize how important and powerful faith is until you’ve been challenged. God was definitely pulling me deeper in this season and I look forward to sharing my testimony in the future. With these challenges also came the greatest moments in my life this year. I fell in love with an amazing man and he was exactly what I prayed and manifested. I began living in purpose and becoming more aware of where God was guiding me. I was baptized and became a member of a church I truly love. I was guided to following a new career passion which I never thought could be an option for me due to age, my current job, and factors which in hindsight didn’t matter. I’ve learned it’s never too late or the wrong time to dream and live the life you’ve always wanted to live. I’ve spent more quality time with family and friends and valued their presence in my life. There were some lows, but far more gains and blessings in 2021.

On to 2022, I will begin my manifestations. Manifesting is the process of believing and visualizing what you want to see in your life. Believing what you see and feel will come to fruit. An important piece of manifesting for me is faith. What I manifest must also be in God’s plan for me in order for it to truly be revealed. Often what I desire has been presented to me by God and I will then begin processing those things, people, or experiences in my life. My vision board is where these manifestations come to life. In 2022, I visualize a solid plan for my next career after teaching, traveling, growing stronger in all the relationships in my life, strengthened mental and spiritual health, creating a testimony to encourage and empower, expanding my blog and joyfulkay brand, and finally living a joyful life. I’m sure there will be more desires which reach my heart throughout the year to accomplish.

Wishing you the greatest blessings for 2022. Ensure to practice gratitude daily and keep dreaming!
